1. Around me people (to talk) German, Italian and English.

2. Robert (to talk) to some of the other guests on the terrace when Hardy came.

3. Michael (to look) at his watch.

4. All night long the stars (to glitter).

5. Lizzie (to eat) and didn’t raise her head.

6. He drank some of the wine and ate several chunks of bread while he (to wait) for his dinner to come up.

7. The family (to prepare) for the party.

8. She (to argue) that only Belinda knew how to treat men.

9. A few minutes later Dixon (to hurry) through the streets to his bus stop.

10. They moved across the room, which (to start) to fill up, to a vacant corner.

1. They (to write) the test at this time yesterday.

2. He (to work) in the garden from two till five o"clock.

3. We (to watch) television the whole evening.

4. You (to play) football at six o"clock?

5. You (to drink) tea at seven o"clock?

6. He (to draw) from three till four o"clock?

7. Who (to listen) to the radio at this time?

8. It (to rain) the whole day yesterday?

9. They (to skate) at three o"clock?

10. She (not to help) mother about the house from two till six.


1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в форме Past Continuous.

1. Around me people were talking German, Italian and English.

2. Robert was talking to some of the other guests on the terrace when Hardy came.

3. Michael was looking at his watch.

4. All night long the stars were glittering.

5. Lizzie was eating and didn’t raise her head.

6. He drank some of the wine and ate several chunks of bread while he was waiting for his dinner to come up.

7. The family was preparing for the party.

8. She was arguing that only Belinda knew how to treat men.

9. A few minutes later Dixon was hurrying through the streets to his bus stop.

10. They moved across the room, which was starting to fill up, to a vacant corner.

2. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в форме Past Continuous.

3. were watching

4. Were you playing football … ?

5. Were you drinking tea … ?

6. Was he drawing … ?

7. Who was listening … ?

8. Was it raining … ?

9. Were they skating … ?

10. She was not (=wasn’t) helping …

Приветствую, мой дорогой читатель.

Помните, что я все время повторяю: практика, практика и только практика! Если вы уже знаете , то могу вас поздравить - мы переходим на следующие уровень - «Past Continuous: упражнения» !

Сегодня нас с вами ждет подборка самых интересных и полезных упражнений с ответами, которые помогут вам быстро усвоить правило по теме. Садитесь поудобнее, берите листик с ручной и начинайте практиковаться онлайн прямо сейчас.

Для 5 класса, где иногда начинают изучать данную тему, я советую сделать следующие упражнения.

Упражнение 1.

  1. She (to write) a letter at 6 p.m last evening.
  2. Her father (to go) to the art gallery when he (to meet) her mother.
  3. At 8.20 yesterday morning my mother (to drive) me to the university.
  4. They (to sit) at the café at that time.
  5. She (to study) in the library when they suddenly called.

Упражнение 2.

Вставьте правильную форму глагола.

  1. We had a family evening yesterday. My grandfather and my father (to play) chess, while my grandmother (to knit). My mother (to clean) while I and my brother (to read).
  2. I (to walk) on the street, when I (to see) a man fell. I called the emergency and (to wait) for help. I (to sit) near the man, when the medicals arrived.
  3. Tony and Ann (to ride) through the forest. The sun (to shine) bright and the birds (to sing) beautifully.

А вот упражнения для 6 класса , где эту тему уже повторяют, а не учат, становятся уже немного сложнее.

Упражнение 3.

Вставьте слова в правильной форме.

  1. Tom (to walk) home when the storm (to begin).
  2. What (you \ to read) when they came in?
  3. While I (to dig) in the garden, I (to hurt) my arm.
  4. I (to wait) for my flight yesterday morning.
  5. How fast (she\to drive) when the accident (to happen)?
  6. We (to have) a dinner when she called.
  7. At 10.35 we (to play) tennis in the club.

Упражнение 4.

Преобразуйте предложение, используя слова « as , while , when» .

  1. Kim was crossing the street. He saw Jane.
  2. I was serving the table. She dropped a glass.
  3. She was driving home. The engine broke down.
  4. Jake and Kiley were leaving the shop. The police officer stopped them.
  5. The children were playing. Their mother was cooking.

Для учеников 7 класса или даже 8 класса будет намного интереснее и значительно полезнее делать задания на перевод. Знаний правил у них уже достаточно, да и практики тоже, поэтому стоит взяться за что-то сложнее.

Упражнение 5.

Переведите на английский язык.

  1. В прошлый вторник в 5 часов вечера у них была конференция.
  2. Мы накрывали на стол, когда приехали гости.
  3. Я уже спал, когда услышал стук в дверь.
  4. Он шел по дороге, когда поскользнулся на шкурке банана.
  5. Мама готовила, пока я делал уроки.
  6. Он читал контракт, когда позвонил его босс.

Это ведь было не сложно, правда? Уверена, что вы справились со всем без труда, ведь вы же все знаете. Но если у вас возникли какие-то проблемы или вопросы, в которых вам не удалось разобраться - пишите в комментариях. Я с удовольствие дам вам ответы на все ваши вопросы.

А если вам хочется еще больше информации, еще больше практики, еще больше английского - подписывайтесь на рассылку моего блога. Обещаю, вас ждет только самое интересное.

До новых встреч, мои дорогие.

Предлагаю закрепить эту тему в сравнении с Past Simple — переходите и практикуйтесь дальше.


Упражнение 1.

  1. Was writing.
  2. Was going, met.
  3. Was driving.
  4. Were sitting.
  5. Was studying.

Упражнение 2.

  1. Were playing, was knitting, was cleaning, were reading.
  2. Was walking, saw, was waiting, was sitting.
  3. Was riding, was shining, were singing.

Упражнение 3.

  1. Was walking, began.
  2. Were you reading.
  3. Was digging, hurt.
  4. Was waiting.
  5. Was she driving, happened.
  6. Were having,
  7. Were playing.

Упражнение 4.

  1. Kim was crossing the street when he saw Jane.
  2. I was serving the table when she dropped a glass.
  3. As she was driving home the engine broke down.
  4. Jake and Kiley were leaving the shop when the police officer stopped them.
  5. The children were playing while their mother was cooking.

Упражнение 5.

  1. They were having a conference last Tuesday at 5 o"clock in the evening.
  2. We were serving the table when guests arrived.
  3. I was already sleeping when I heard a knock at the door.
  4. He was walking down the road when he slipped on the banana skin.
  5. Mother was cooking while I was doing my homework.
  6. He was reading the contract, when his boss called.
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Тренировочные упражнения по английскому языку на употребление грамматических времен Past Simple и Past Continuous.

В результате изучения английского языка обучающийся 6 класса должен знать/понимать:

Основные значения изученных лексических единиц (слов, словосочетаний); основные способы словообразования (аффиксация, словосложение, конверсия);

Особенности структуры простых и сложных предложений изучаемого иностранного языка; интонацию различных коммуникативных типов предложений;

Признаки изученных грамматических явлений (видо-временных форм глаголов - PresentSimple, PresentContinuous, PastSimple, PastContinuous, FutureSimple, PresentPerfect, модальных глаголов, артиклей, существительных, степеней сравнения прилагательных, местоимений, числительных, предлогов);

Основные нормы речевого этикета (реплики-клише, наиболее распространенная оценочная лексика), принятые в стране изучаемого языка;

Роль владения иностранными языками в современном мире, особенности образа жизни, быта, культуры стран изучаемого языка (всемирно известные достопримечательности, выдающиеся люди и их вклад в мировую культуру), сходство и различия в традициях своей страны и стран изучаемого языка.

Данные упражнения направлены на закрепление грамматических навыков по теме “ Past Simple и Past Continuous Tenses”.

Тренировочные упражнения по английскому языку на употребление грамматических времен Past Simple и Past Continuous.

Упражнение -1.

  1. I (to play) computer games yesterday.
  2. I (to play) computer games at five o"clock yesterday.
  3. He (to play) computer games from two till three o’clock yesterday.
  4. We (to play) computer games the whole evening yesterday.
  5. What Nick (to do) when you came to his place?
  6. What you (to do) when I rang you up?
  7. I (not to sleep) at nine o"clock yesterday.
  8. What he (to do) yesterday? - He (to read) a book.
  9. What he (to do) the whole evening yesterday? - He (to read) a book.
  10. She (to sleep) when you came home?
  11. My brother (not to play) tennis yesterday. He (to play) tennis the day before yesterday.
  12. My sister (not to play) the piano at four o"clock yesterday. She (to play) the piano the whole evening.
  13. When I came into the kitchen, my mother (to cook).
  14. She (to cook) the whole day yesterday.
  15. We (to wash) the floor in our flat yesterday.
  16. We (to wash) the floor in our flat from three till four yesterday.
  17. You (to do) your homework yesterday?
  18. You (to do) your homework from eight till ten yesterday?
  19. Why she (to sleep) at seven o"clock yesterday?
  20. He (to sit) at the table the whole evening yesterday.

Упражнения - 2.

  1. I (to go) to the cinema yesterday.
  2. I (to go) to the cinema at four o"clock yesterday.
  3. I (to go) to the cinema when you met me.
  4. I (to do) my homework the whole evening yesterday.
  5. I (to do) my homework when mother came home.
  6. I (to do) my homework yesterday.
  7. I (to do) my homework from five till eight yesterday.
  8. I (to do) my homework at six o"clock yesterday.
  9. I (not to play) the piano yesterday. I (to write) a letter to my friend. 1
  10. I (not to play) the piano at four o"clock yesterday. I (to read) a book.
  11. He (not to sleep) when father came home. He (to do) his homework.
  12. When we were in the country last summer, I (to go) to the wood one day. In the wood I (to find) a little fox cub. I (to bring) it home. I (to decide) to tame the cub. Every day I (to feed) it and (to take) care of it. I (to tame) it the whole summer. Now the fox cub is quite tame. It lives in my house.
  13. When I (to go) to school the day before yesterday, I met Mike and Pete. They (to talk) and (to laugh). They told me a funny story. Soon I (to laugh), too. I still (to laugh) when we came to school. After school I (to tell) this story at home. My father and mother (to like) it very much.

Упражнения - 3.

  1. When I (to come) home, my little sister (to sleep).
  2. When Nick (to come) home, his brother (to play) with his toys.
  3. When mother (to come) home, I (to do) my homework.
  4. When father (to come) home, Pete (to sleep).
  5. When mother (to come) home, the children (to play) on the carpet.
  6. When I (to get) up, my mother and father (to drink) tea.
  7. When I (to come) to my friend"s place, he (to watch) TV.
  8. When I (to see) my friends, they (to play) football.
  9. When I (to open) the door, the cat (to sit) on the table.
  10. When Kate (to open) the door, the children (to dance) round the fir-tree.
  11. When Tom (to cross) the street, he (to fall).
  12. When I (to go) to school, I (to meet) my friend.
  13. When we (to go) to the cinema, we (to meet) grandmother.
  14. When grandmother (to go) home, she (to see) many children in the yard.
  15. When Henry (to walk) about in the forest, he (to find) a bear cub.
  16. When we (to walk) about in the forest, we (to see) a hare.
  17. When I (to wash) the floor, I (to find) my old toy under the sofa.
  18. When granny (to read) a book on the sofa, she (to fall) asleep.
  19. When I (to play) in the yard, I suddenly (to see) my old friend.
  20. When Nick (to run) about in the yard, he (to fall).

Упражнения - 4.

  1. They (to drink) tea when I (to come) home.
  2. He (to walk) along the river when a boat (to pass).
  3. The old man (to think) about his plan when he (to fall) asleep.
  4. We (to listen) to an interesting lecture yesterday.
  5. When I (to enter) the classroom, the teacher (to write) words on the blackboard and the pupils (to copy) them into their exercise-books.
  6. They (to get) ready to go out when it (to begin) raining.
  7. Yesterday at one o"clock I (to have) lunch at the canteen.
  8. When he (to come) in, I (to do) my exercises.
  9. What you (to do) at eight o"clock yesterday?
  10. At this time yesterday I (to go) home.
  11. You (to sleep) when I (to go) out.
  12. He (to read) on the sofa when I (to come) in and (to sit) down beside him.
  13. I (to walk) along the street with my friend when a tram (to pass).
  14. She (to look) out of the window when I (to see) her.
  15. We (to answer) the teacher"s questions when the headmistress (to enter) the classroom.

Упражнения - 5.

  1. When I (to ring) up my friend, he (to sleep).
  2. When grandfather (to watch) TV, he (to fall) asleep.
  3. When my friend (to come) to see me, I (to do) my homework.
  4. When I (to go) to the stadium, I (to meet) Kate and Ann.
  5. When Nick (to ring) me up yesterday, I (to help) mother.
  6. When the children (to walk) through the wood, they (to see) a fox.
  7. When I (to come) home, my sister (to wash) the floor.
  8. When Mike (to play) in the yard, he (to find) a ball.
  9. When I (to draw) yesterday, I (to break) two pencils.
  10. When I (to meet) Tom, he (to go) to the shop.
  11. When I (to look) out of the window, the children (to play) hide-and-seek.
  12. I (to go) to the theatre yesterday.
  13. At seven o"clock yesterday I (to go) to the theatre.
  14. What you (to do) at 5 o"clock yesterday? -I (to play) the piano.
  15. When I (to come) to school, the children (to stand) near the classroom.
  16. We (to play) in the yard the whole evening yesterday.
  17. When I (to prepare) breakfast in the morning, I (to cut) my finger.
  18. Last year I (to go) to the United States.
  19. You (to go) to Great Britain last year? - No, I (to go) to France.
  20. What you (to do) yesterday? — I (to translate) a very long art

Упражнения - 6.

  1. He (to get) up at seven o"clock yesterday.
  2. Father (to come) home at six o"clock yesterday.
  3. I (to read) a book at six o"clock yesterday.
  4. She (to fall) asleep at eleven o"clock yesterday.
  5. Moth-er (to drink) tea at eleven o"clock yesterday.
  6. Father (to watch) TV at ten o"clock yesterday.
  7. I (to go) to bed at nine o"clock yesterday.
  8. I (to finish) my homework at nine o"clock yesterday.
  9. I (to play) the piano at five o"clock yesterday.
  10. He (to begin) to do his homework at four o"clock yester-day.
  11. She (to wash) the floor at four o"clock yesterday.
  12. I (to meet) Nick at three o"clock yester-day.
  13. When I (to come) home, Kate (to play) the piano.
  14. When I (to meet) John, he (to go) to the railway station.
  15. When I (to go) to the museum, I (to see) a big crowd of people in the street.
  16. They (to play) in the yard in the evening yesterday.
  17. They (to play) in the yard the whole evening yesterday.
  18. I (to clean) my teeth at eight o"clock in the morning yesterday.
  19. We (to go) to the wood in summer.
  20. When the teacher (to open) the door of the classroom, the pupils (to sit) at their desks.

Упражнения - 7.

1. At this time yesterday I (to sit) at the theatre.

2. He (to come) back to St. Petersburg on the 15th of January.

3. I (to go) to the institute when I (to see) him.

4. At this time yesterday we (to have) dinner.

5. He (to write) a letter when I (to come) in.

6. He (to make) a report when I (to leave) the meeting.

7. Yesterday he (to write) a letter to his friend.

8. When I (to look) at them, they (to smile) at me.

9. What you (to do) at six o"clock yesterday?

10. I (to go) to bed at half past eleven.

11. Yesterday the lesson (to begin) at nine o"clock.

12. The cat (to take) a piece of fish "and then (to run) away.

13. He (to read) a newspaper when I (to come) in.

14. Yesterday I (to get) up at seven o"clock.

15. The train (to start) at fifteen minutes to ten.

16. He (to put) on his coat and cap, (to open) the door and (to go) out.

Упражнения - 8.

1.I (to feed) my cat with fish yesterday.

2. What you (to do) at four o"clock yesterday? — I (to feed) my cat.

3. What your brother (to do) yesterday? -He (to play) computer games.

4. I (to begin) re-pairing my camera at six o"clock yesterday.

5. At five o"clock yesterday Helen (to cook) soup.

6. We (to play) badminton from nine till eleven yesterday.

7. Kate (not to go) for a walk yesterday. She (to write) a composition the whole day yesterday. 8. When your father (to come) home yesterday? He (to come) home at seven o"clock.

9. When my father (to come) home yesterday, my mother (to make) supper.

10. We (not to go) on a tramp last summer.

11. What you (to do) when your sister (to come) home yesterday?

12. You (to have) supper at nine o"clock yesterday?

13. He (not to go) to the shop yesterday.

14. Nick (to go) to bed at ten o"clock yesterday.

15. Rick (to sleep) at eleven o"clock yesterday.

16. When we (to play) in the yard yesterday, it suddenly (to start) raining heavily.

17. I (to see) Mike when he (to cross) the street.

18. He (to begin) repairing his bicycle in the morning yesterday.

19. He (to repair) his bicycle the whole day yesterday.

20. He (to finish) repairing his bicycle in the evening yesterday.

Ответы к упражнениям

Упражнение - 1.

1.I played computer games yesterday.

2. I was playing computer games at five o"clock yesterday.

3. He was playing computer games from two till three yesterday.

4. We were playing computer games the whole evening yesterday.

5. What was Nick doing when you came to his place?

6. What were you doing when I rang you up?

7. I was not sleeping at nine o"clock yesterday.

8. What did he do yesterday? - He read a book.

9. What was he doing the whole evening yesterday?--He was reading a book.

10. Was she sleeping when you came home?

11. My brother did not play tennis yesterday. He played tennis the day before yesterday.

12. My sister was not playing the piano at four o"clock yesterday. She was playing the piano the whole evening.

13. When I came into the kitchen, mother was cooking.

14. She was cooking the whole day yesterday.

15. We washed the floor in our flat yesterday.

16. We were washing the floor in our flat from three till four yesterday.

17. Did you do your homework yesterday?

18. Were you doing your homework from eight till ten yesterday?

19. Why was she sleeping at seven o"clock yesterday?

20. He was sitting at the table the whole evening yesterday.

Упражнение - 2.

1. I went to the cinema yesterday.

2. I was going to the cinema at four o"clock yesterday.

3. I was going to the cinema when you met me.

4. I was doing my homework the whole evening yesterday.

5. I was doing my homework when mother came home.

6. I did my homework yesterday.

7. I was doing my homework from five till eight yesterday.

8. I was doing my homework at six o"clock yesterday.

9. I did not play the piano yesterday. I wrote a letter to my friend.

10. I was not playing the piano at four o"clock yesterday. I was reading a book.

11. He was not sleeping when father came home. He was doing his homework.

12. When we were in the country last summer, I went to the wood one day. In the wood I found a little fox cub. I brought it home. I decided to tame the cub. Every day I fed it and took) care of it. I was taming it the whole summer. Now the fox cub is quite tame. It lives in my house.

13. When I was going to school the day before yesterday, I met Mike and Pete. They were talking and laughing. They told me a funny story. Soon I laughed, too. I was still laughing when we came to school. After school I told this story at home. My father and mother liked it very much.

Упражнение - 3.

1. When I came home, my little sister was sleeping.

2. When Nick came home, his brother was playing with his toys.

3. When mother came home, I was doing my homework.

4. When father came home, Pete was sleeping.

5. When mother came home, the children were playing on the carpet.

6. When I got up, my mother and father were drinking tea.

7. When I came to my friend"s place, he was watching TV.

8. When I saw my friends, they were playing football.

9. When I opened the door, the cat was sitting on the table.

10. When Kate opened the door, the children were dancing round the fir-tree.

11. When Tom was crossing the street, he fell.

12. When I was going to school, I met my friend.

13. When we were going to the cinema, we met grandmother.

14. When grandmother was going home, she saw many children in the yard.

15. When Henry was walking about in the forest, he found a bear cub.

16. When we were walking about in the forest, we saw a hare.

17. When I was washing the floor, I found my old toy under the sofa.

18. When granny was reading a book on the sofa, she fell asleep.

19. When I was playing in the yard, I suddenly saw my old friend.

20. When Nick was running about in the yard, he fell.

Упражнение - 4.

1. They were drinking tea when I came home.

2. He was walking along the river when a boat passed.

3. The old man was thinking about his plan when he fell asleep.

4. We listened to an interesting lecture yesterday.

5. When I entered the classroom, the teacher was writing words on the blackboard and the pupils were copying them into their exercise-books.

6. They were getting ready to go out when it began raining.

7. Yesterday at one o"clock I was having lunch at the canteen.

8. When he came in, I was doing my exercises.

9. What were you doing at eight o"clock yesterday?

10. At this time yesterday I was going home.

11. You were sleeping when I went out.

12. He was reading on the sofa when I came in and sat down beside him.

13. I was walking along the street with my friend when a tram passed.

14. She was looking out of the window when I saw her.

15. We were answering the teacher"s questions when the headmistress entered the classroom.

Упражнение - 5.

1. When I rang up my friend, he was sleeping.

2. When grandfather was watching TV, he fell asleep.

3. When my friend came to see me, I was doing my homework.

4. When I was going to the stadium, I met Kate and Ann.

5. When Nick rang me up yesterday, I was helping mother.

6. When the children were walking through the wood, they saw a fox.

7. When I came home, my sister was washing the floor.

8. When Mike was playing in the yard, he found a ball.

9. When I was drawing yesterday, I broke two pencils.

10. When I met Tom, he was going to the shop.

11. When I looked out of the window, the children were playing hide-and-seek.

12. I went to the theatre yesterday.

13. At seven o"clock yesterday I was going to the theatre.

14. What were you doing at 5 o"clock yesterday? -I was playing the piano.

15. When I came to school, the children were standing near the classroom.

16. We were playing in the yard the whole evening yesterday.

17. When I was prepare breakfast in the morning, I cut my finger.

18. Last year I went to the United States.

19. Did you go to Great Britain last year? - No, I went to France.

20. What did you do yesterday? — I translated a very long article.

Упражнение - 6.

I. He got up at seven o"clock yesterday.

2. Father came home at six o"clock yesterday.

3. I was reading a book at six o"clock yesterday.

4. She fell asleep at eleven o"clock yesterday.

5. Mother was drinking tea at eleven o"clock yesterday.

6. Father was watching TV at ten o"clock yesterday.

7. I went to bed at nine o"clock yesterday.

8. I finished my homework at nine o"clock yesterday.

9. I was playing the piano at five o"clock yesterday.

10. He began to do his homework at four o"clock yester-day.

11. She was washing the floor at four o"clock yesterday.

12. I met Nick at three o"clock yester-day.

13. When I came home, Kate was playing the piano.

14. When I met John, he was going to the railway station.

15. When I was going to the museum, I saw a big crowd of people in the street.

16. They played in the yard in the evening yesterday.

17. They were playing in the yard the whole evening yesterday.

18. I was cleaning my teeth at eight o"clock in the morning yesterday.

19. We went to the wood in summer.

20. When the teacher opened the door of the classroom, the pupils were sitting at their desks.

Упражнение - 7 .

1. At this time yesterday I was sitting at the theatre.

2. He came back to St. Petersburg on the 15th of January.

3. I was going to the institute when I saw him.

4. At this time yesterday we were having dinner.

5. He was writing a letter when I came in.

6. He was making a report when I left the meeting.

7. Yesterday he wrote a letter to his friend.

8. When I looked at them, they were smiling at me.

9. What were you doing at six o"clock yesterday?

10. I went to bed at half past eleven.

11. Yesterday the lesson began at nine o"clock.

12. The cat took a piece of fish and then ran away.

13. He was reading a newspaper when I came in.

14. Yesterday I got up at seven o"clock.

15. The train started at fifteen minutes to ten.

16. He put on his coat and cap, opened the door and went out.

Упражнение - 8.

1.I fed my cat with fish yesterday.

2. What were you doing at four o"clock yesterday? — I was feeding my cat.

3. What did your brother do yesterday? -He played computer games.

4. I began re-pairing my camera at six o"clock yesterday.

5. At five o"clock yesterday Helen was cooking soup.

6. We were playing badminton from nine till eleven yesterday.

7. Kate did not go for a walk yesterday. She was writing a composition the whole day yesterday.

8. When did your father come home yesterday? He came home at seven o"clock.

9. When my father came home yesterday, my mother was making supper.

10. We did not going on a tramp last summer.

11. What were you doing when your sister came home yesterday?

12. Were you having supper at nine o"clock yesterday?

13. He did not go to the shop yesterday.

14. Nick went to bed at ten o"clock yesterday.

15. Rick was sleeping at eleven o"clock yesterday.

16. When we were playing in the yard yesterday, it suddenly started raining heavily.

17. I saw Mike when he was crossing the street.

18. He began repairing his bicycle in the morning yesterday.

19. He was repairing his bicycle the whole day yesterday.

  1. I/to go home/at 4 o’clock yesterday.
  2. We/to play basketball/at 6 o’clock last Sunday.
  3. She/to talk with her friend/for forty minutes yesterday.
  4. You/to wash the window/in the afternoon yesterday.
  5. Nick/to ride his bike/all the evening.
  6. Sheila and Dora/to wait for a bus/for half an hour.
  7. They/to prepare for the party/all day yesterday.
  8. I/to learn the poem/for an hour.
  9. Dick/to paint the walls in his room/from 2 to 6 o’clock last Wednesday.
  10. Eve and Tony/to skate/all day last Saturday.

Answers: 1. I was going home at 4 o’clock yesterday. 2. We were playing basketball at 6 o’clock last Sunday. 3.She was talking with her friend for forty minutes yesterday. 4.You were washing the window in the afternoon yesterday. 5. Nick was riding his bike all the evening. 6. Sheila and Dora were waiting for a bus for half an hour. 7. They were preparing for the party all day yesterday. 8. I was learning the poem for an hour. 9. Dick was painting the walls in his room from 2 to 6 o’clock last Wednesday. 10. Eve and Tony were skating all day last Saturday.

Exercise 2. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму.

  1. Alison … (to have) lunch at two o’clock yesterday.
  2. Edward and Henry … (to play) the guitar all the evening.
  3. Ben … (to run) in the park in the morning yesterday.
  4. I … (to speak) to the manager from three to half past five last Thursday.
  5. My grandparents … (to drive) to Poltava at this time yesterday.
  6. Lucy … (to iron) clothes from 4 to 6 o’clock last Saturday.
  7. You … (to sleep) for three hours in the afternoon.
  8. Julia … (to listen) to news at this time yesterday.
  9. My mother … (to dust) the furniture when I came home yesterday.
  10. We … (to play) on the playground all day last Sunday.

Answers: 1. was having; 2. were playing; 3. was running; 4. was speaking; 5. were driving; 6. was ironing; 7. were sleeping; 8. was listening;
9. was dusting; 10. were playing.

Exercise 3. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

Указатели времени, которые используются с прошедшим длительным временем: when, while, as.
While используется, когда два действия происходият одновременно:
While he was playing computer games his sister was speaking on the phone. Когда он играл в компьютерные игры, его сестра разговаривала по телефону,
When и as употребляются, если одно действие в предложении было прервано другим действием:
The children were singing when (as) their parents entered the classroom. Дети пели, когда их родители вошли в класс.

  1. I was brushing my teeth when/while my sister was making tea.
  2. He was riding a horse when/while the car drove to the stable.
  3. Sue was walking along the path as/while it started to rain.
  4. You were washing the dishes as/while I was drying them.
  5. Kate was speaking to the doctor when/while her mobile telephone rang.
  6. We were discussing the film as/while Mary was looking through some magazines.
  7. The waiter was carrying the tray when/while he dropped a glass.
  8. Sam was crossing the road when/while he saw his friend at the bus stop.
  9. Lin and Wendy were preparing for the test as/while the postman knocked at the door.
  10. The child was eating soup when/while his mother was making salad.

Answers: 1. while; 2.when; 3. as; 4. while; 5. when; 6. while; 7. when; 8. when; 9. as; 10. while.

Exercise 4. Дополните предложения when или while.

  1. The boys were playing football… the ball flew into the window.
  2. Ronny was painting the fence … the bucket of paint turned over.
  3. Denny was putting a tent… the girls were gathering wood for fire.
  4. Rita was sleeping … the alarm-clock rang.
  5. Nelly was peeling potatoes … her sister was cutting chicken into pieces.
  6. Nigel was skiing … he fell down and broke his leg.
  7. They were arguing … Mrs Elliot entered the room.
  8. … my mother was watching her favourite show on TV, father was making coffee.
  9. She was typing a letter … she found some mistakes.
  10. They were driving towards the village … it started to snow.

Answers: 1. when; 2.when; 3. while; 4. when; 5. while; 6.when; 7.when; 8. while; 9. when; 10. when.

Exercise 5. Сделайте предложения отрицательными.

  1. The teacher was explaining the exercise to the pupils.
  2. Amanda was travelling around Africa at that time.
  3. We were having a Music lesson at ten o’clock yesterday.
  4. I was doing the shopping yesterday.
  5. Martin was visiting his aunt at this time yesterday.
  6. The girls were preparing for the concert.
  7. They were flying to Wales at 6 o’clock yesterday.
  8. It was raining hard all day last Tuesday.
  9. Mike and Jess were walking in the park last evening.
  10. He was choosing the books in the library then.

Answers: 1. The teacher wasn’t explaining the exercise to the pupils. 2. Amanda wasn’t travelling around Africa at that time. 3. We weren’t having a Music lesson at ten o’clock yesterday. 4. I wasn’t doing the shopping yesterday. 5. Martin wasn’t visiting his aunt at this time yesterday. 6.The girls weren’t preparing for the concert. 7. They weren’t flying to Wales at 6 o’clock yesterday. 8. It wasn’t raining hard all day last Tuesday. 9. Mike and Jess weren’t walking in the park last evening. 10. He wasn’t choosing the books in the library then.

Exercise 6. Составьте предложения, используя слова в скобках в the Past Continuous Tense.

Example: He wasn’t reading the newspaper, (magazine) +
He wasn’t reading the newspaper, he was reading a magazine.
We were looking for apples, (bananas) — We were looking for apples, we weren’t looking for bananas.

  1. Angela wasn’t singing a song, (dance) +
  2. I was cooking potatoes, (fish) —
  3. The boys were watching a film, (the news) —
  4. My mother wasn’t washing the dishes, (iron the clothes) +
  5. He was building the house, (garage) —
  6. They were gathering berries, (mushrooms) —
  7. You weren’t listening to music, (read the book) +
  8. Ben was repairing his bike, (his car) —

Answers: 1. Angela wasn’t singing a song, she was dancing. 2. I was cooking potatoes, I wasn’t cooking fish. 3. The boys were watching a film, they weren’t watching the news. 4.My mother wasn’t washing the dishes, she was ironing the clothes. 5. He was building the house, he wasn’t building the garage. 6.They were gathering berries, they weren’t gathering mushrooms. 7. You weren’t listening to music, you were reading the book. 8. Ben was repairing his bike, he wasn’t repairing his car.

Exercise 7. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму.

  1. You … (not to listen) to the radio, you … (to read) the letter from your niece.
  2. Clara … (to take) a bath at nine o’clock yesterday evening.
  3. Monica and her friend … (to have) coffee in the sitting-room.
  4. Our Granny … (not to plant) tomatoes in the garden.
  5. Dick … (to carry) his bag towards the hotel room.
  6. Sally and Frank … (not to decorate) the classroom, they … (to prepare) a wall newspaper.
  7. The professor … (to give) a lecture but some students … (not to listen) to him.
  8. The nurse … (not to take) his temperature, she … (to give) him an aspirin.
  9. The train … (to arrive) at the station at seven o’clock.
  10. Olga … (not to wait) for us yesterday evening.

Answers: 1. weren’t listening, were reading; 2. was taking; 3. were having; 4. wasn’t planting; 5. was carrying; 6. weren’t decorating, were preparing; 7. was giving, weren’t listening; 8. wasn’t taking, was giving; 9. was arriving; 10. wasn’t waiting.

Exercise 8. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму и прочитайте шутку.

A man and his wife had a small cafe near the station. The cafe often stayed open until after midnight, because people came to eat and drink there while they … (to wait) for trains.
It was midnight one day and all the people left the cafe except one man. That man … (not to eat), and … (not to drink). He … (to sleep). The owner of the cafe and his wife were very tired. The wife looked at the man several times, but he still … (to sleep). When it was three o’clock in the morning the wife came up to her husband and said, «You have woken this man six times now, Robert, but he didn’t leave. Why haven’t you sent him away? It’s very late».
«Oh, no, I don’t want to send him away», answered her husband with a smile. «You see, every time I wake him up, he asks for his bill, and when I bring it to him, he pays it. Then he goes to sleep again».

Answers: The cafe often stayed open until after midnight, because people came to eat and drink there while they were waiting for trains. That man wasn’t eating , and wasn’t drinking . He was sleeping . The wife looked at the man several times, but he still was sleeping .

Exercise 9. Сделайте предложения вопросительными.

  1. We were having lunch in the canteen.
  2. She was singing a lovely song.
  3. You were speaking to your boss.
  4. George was sitting in the armchair by the fireplace.
  5. Jane and Margaret were going to the airport.
  6. The baby was crying.
  7. It was getting dark.
  8. We were waiting for my cousin.
  9. The woman was watching the children on the playground.
  10. The tourists were taking photos in front of the palace.

Answers: 1. Were we having lunch in the canteen? 2.Was she singing a lovely song? 3. Were you speaking to your boss? 4.Was George sitting in the armchair by the fireplace? 5. Were Jane and Margaret going to the airport? 6.Was the baby crying? 7. Was it getting dark? 8. Were we waiting for my cousin? 9. Was the woman watching the children on the playground? 10.Were the tourists taking photos in front of the palace?

Exercise 10. Составьте предложения, используя the Past Continuous Tense.

  1. A man/to fish/on the bank of the river.
  2. They/to make notes/during the lecture?
  3. She/not to smile/any more.
  4. Polly/and her cousin/to have tea.
  5. You/to dig/in the garden?
  6. Mike/to hang/a picture in the living-room.
  7. Sue/not to swim/in the swimming-pool.
  8. They/to wait/for the doctor?
  9. I/not to look/at the actors.
  10. She/to speak/in a friendly way.

Answers: 1. A man was fishing on the bank of the river. 2. Were they making notes during the lecture? 3. She wasn’t smiling any more. 4. Polly and her cousin were having tea. 5. Were you digging in the garden? 6. Mike was hanging a picture in the living-room. 7. Sue wasn’t swimming in the swimming-pool. 8. Were they waiting for the doctor? 9. I wasn’t looking at the actors. 10. She was speaking in a friendly way.

Exercise 11. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму.

  1. … you … (to wash) the clothes at 4 o’clock yesterday? - No, I …. I … (to tidy) my room at that time.
  2. … Lucy … (to do) the shopping when you met her? - Yes, she … .
  3. … they … (to translate) the text in the afternoon? - No, they …. They … (to prepare) for the Maths test.
  4. … Alison and Rita … (to sit) in a cafe at three o’clock? - Yes, they … . They … (to eat) ice cream.
  5. … Steve … (to play) computer games all the evening? - No, he …. He … (to do) his homework.
  6. … Barbara … (to sunbathe) in the morning yesterday? - Yes, she ….
  7. … the children … (to help) their grandparents yesterday? - Yes, they … . They … (to gather) fruit in the garden.
  8. … you … (to sleep) at four o’clock yesterday? - Yes, I … .
  9. … Phil … (to speak) to the receptionist when you came into the hall of the hotel? - No, he …. He … (to have) breakfast in the cafe.
  10. … you (to pack) your luggage when the taxi arrived? - No, I … .

Answers: 1.Were you washing the clothes at 4 o’clock yesterday? - No, I wasn’t. I was tidying my room at that time. 2. Was Lucy doing the shopping when you met her? - Yes, she was. 3. Were they translating the text in the afternoon? - No, they weren’t. They were preparing for the Maths test. 4. Were Alison and Rita sitting in a cafe at three o’clock? - Yes, they were. They were eating ice cream. 5. Was Steve playing computer games all the evening? - No, he wasn’t. He was doing his homework. 6. Was Barbara sunbathing in the morning yesterday? - Yes, she was. 7. Were the children helping their grandparents yesterday? - Yes, they were. They were gathering fruit in the garden. 8. Were you sleeping at four o’clock yesterday? - Yes, I was. 9. Was Phil speaking to the receptionist when you came into the hall of the hotel? - No, he wasn’t. He was having breakfast in the cafe. 10. Were you packing your luggage when the taxi arrived? - No, I wasn’t.

Exercise 12. Напишите вопросы к предложениям, используя вопросительные слова в скобках.

Состовляя специальные вопросы в прошедшим длительном времени, слова распологают в таком порядке:

вопросительное слово (Wh-word), вспомогательный глагол was/were, подлежащее, сказуемое (с окончанием -іng).

Wh-word + was + l/he/she/it + Ving?
Wh-word + were + you/we/fhey + Ving?
Where was she going yesterday? Куда она шла вчера?
What were you doing at 5 o’clock yesterday? Что ты делал вчера в 5 часов?
Вопрос к подлежащему образуется с помощью вспмогательного глагола was:

Who was cooking dinner yesterday? Кто готовил обед вчера?

  1. She was visiting her dentist at two o’clock yesterday. (What to do? When?)
  2. They were having an English lesson at ten o’clock last Monday. (Who? What lesson?)
  3. We were driving towards the village yesterday evening. (Where? When?)
  4. He was painting the roof of the garage last Saturday. (What? When?)
  5. You were waiting for your brother at the bus stop. (Whom? What to do?)
  6. My aunt was speaking to the shop- assistant in the supermarket. (Whose? Where?)
  7. We were walking quickly because of the rain. (How? Why?)
  8. The dog was barking in the yard. {What to do? Where?)
  9. They were sunbathing on the beach. (Who? Where?)
  10. She was painting a picture in her room. (What? What to do?)

Answers: 1. What was she doing at two o’clock yesterday? When was she visiting her dentist? 2. Who was having an English lesson at ten o’clock last Monday? What lesson were they having at ten o’clock last Monday? 3. Where were we driving yesterday evening? When were we driving towards the village? 4.What was he painting last Saturday? When was he painting the roof of the garage? 5. Whom were you waiting for at the bus stop? What were you doing at the bus stop? 6. Whose aunt was speaking to the shop-assistant in the supermarket? Where was my aunt speaking to the shop assistant? 7. How were we walking? Why were we walking quickly? 8. What was the dog doing in the yard? Where was the dog barking? 9. Who was sunbathing on the beach? Where were they sunbathing? 10. What was she painting in her room? What was she doing in her room?

Exercise 13. Составьте вопрос к выделенным словосочетаниям.

  1. The girls were playing tennis in the tennis court .
  2. The cat was sleeping on the sofa .
  3. We were crossing the street at the traffic light.
  4. He was explaining the task to his brother .
  5. The woman was walking slowly along the road .

Answers: 1. Who was playing tennis in the tennis court? What were the girls playing in the tennis court? Where were the girls playing tennis? 2. What was the cat doing on the sofa? Where was the cat sleeping? 3. Who was crossing the street at the traffic light? What were we crossing at the traffic light? 4.What was he explaining to his brother? Whom was he explaining the task to? 5. How was the woman walking along the road? Where was the woman walking slowly?

Exercise 14. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму.

  1. Where … you … (to go) yesterday evening? - I … (to go) to the railway station to meet my uncle.
  2. Where … your sister … (to shop) yesterday morning? - Well, she … (to shop) in a new shopping centre all day yesterday.
  3. How long … they … (to prepare) for the test last Sunday? - They … (to prepare) for the test from 2 to 6 o’clock.
  4. What book … he … (to read) at five o’clock yesterday? - He … (not to read). He … (to translate) a short story for his French lesson.
  5. What … Dick … (to do) yesterday evening? - He … (to play) a new computer game all the evening.
  6. Why … Chris and Sam … (to laugh) so loudly? - Because they … (to watch) a comedy film.
  7. Who … (to sing) that nice song when we came into the hall? - My friend … (to sing).
  8. Why … you … (to bake) a cake yesterday morning? - Because I… (to wait) for the guests.
  9. Whom … she … (to speak) to when I met her? - She … (to speak) to her coach.
  10. Whose car … Bill … (o drive) yesterday? - He … (to drive) his cousin’s car.

Answers: 1. Where were you going yesterday evening? - I was going to the railway station to meet my uncle. 2. Where was your sister shopping yesterday morning? - Well, she was shopping in a new shopping centre all day yesterday. 3. How long were they preparing for the test last Sunday? - They were preparing for the test from 2 to 6 o’clock. 4. What book was he reading at five o’clock yesterday? - He wasn’t reading. He was translating a short story for his French lesson. 5. What was Dick doing yesterday evening? - He was playing a new computer game all the evening. 6. Why were Chris and Sam laughing so loudly? - Because they were watching a comedy film. 7. Who was singing that nice song when we came into the hall? - My friend was singing. 8. Why were you baking a cake yesterday morning? - Because I was waiting for the guests. 9. Whom was she speaking to when I met her? - She was speaking to her coach. 10.Whose car was Bill driving yesterday? - He was driving his cousin’s car.

Exercise 15. Переведите на английский язык.

  1. Что вы делала вчера в пять часов? - Мы готовили ужин и ждали гостей.
  2. Куда она шла вчера утром? - Она шла к стоматологу.
  3. Какой фильм твой брат смотрел вчера в кинотеатре? - Он смотрел новый фильм ужасов.
  4. Где она ждала меня? - Она ждала нас возле театра.
  5. Какую статью вы читали вчера? - Я читал статью о новейших научных открытиях.
  6. Почему он вел машину так быстро? - Он спешил на вокзал.
  7. Когда Том плавал в бассейне вчера? - Он плавал с четырех до пяти часов.
  8. Что твой брат делал вчера утром? - Он ремонтировал велосипед вчера утром.
  9. С кем Анна разговаривала вчера в 2 часа? - Она разговаривала с секретарем.
  10. Что дети делали вчера после уроков? - Они готовились к спортивным соревнованиям.

Answers: 1. What were you doing at five o’clock yesterday? - We were cooking supper and waiting for guests. 2. Where was she going yesterday morning? - She was going to the dentist. 3. What film was your brother watching in the cinema yesterday? - He was watching a new horror film. 4. Where was she waiting for me? - She was waiting for you near the theatre. 5.What article were you reading yesterday? - I was reading an article about the latest scientific discoveries. 6. Why was he driving so fast? - He was hurrying to the railway station. 7. When was Tom swimming in the swimming- pool yesterday? - He was swimming from four to five. 8. What was your brother doing yesterday morning? - He was repairing a bike yesterday morning. 9. Who was Anna speaking to at two o’clock yesterday? - She was speaking to a secretary. 10.What were the children doing after the lessons yesterday? - They were preparing for the sport competitions.

Подружиться с английской грамматикой можно только с помощью тестов и заданий различных видов. Именно этот способ поможет материалу не просто запомниться, а впитаться в вашу память. Какие упражнения эффективны для понимания Past Continuous?

Существуют тысячи различных способов отработки прошедшего продолженного времени. Но все упражнения на past continuous можно разделить на несколько условных групп.

  • В первую очередь необходимо отработать особенности образования. Здесь эффективны упражнения и на подстановку нужных вспомогательных глаголов, выбор из предложенных вариантов. Помните, что при добавлении окончания -ing, все же есть некоторые исключения, которые не менее важно запомнить.
  • В группе Progressive или Continuous есть как прошедшее, так и настоящее, и будущее времена. Несмотря на огромные различия, указатели очень похожи, порой даже одинаковы. В упражнениях на определение Past, Present или Future важно обращать внимание на все «сигнальные» слова-подсказки.
  • Особое затруднение всегда вызывают упражнения на сравнение Past Simple, Past Perfect Continuous и Past Progressive . Ведь порой так сложно определить, какое из действий длится, а где сообщается факт. Ваш лексический запас, ваше умение грамотно переводить и видеть контекст здесь очень пригодится.
  • Если вы уже разобрались со всем этим, научились видеть это время в тексте, анализировать, значит, вы с лёгкостью сможете и понимать структуру, и выбирать нужную форму среди других временных отрезков. Пора переходить к более сложным заданиям — переводу упражнений на Past Continuous . А именно, учиться сопоставлять русский и английский текст, правильно переводить предложения, строить самостоятельные рассказы по опорным словам.
  • Ну, а если, вы совсем далеко зашли, и весь активный залог уже осмыслен, то пора переходить к страдательному. Past Continuous Passive , так же как и другие времена, имеет некоторые особенности в образовании, употреблении и значении. Вообще, Passive Voice с группой Continuous немного специфичен. Так, например, не существует Future Continuous в страдательном залоге.

Чтобы добиться совершенного владения или просто успешно сдать экзамены, вам необходимо проделать множество упражнений и тестов. Начиная с самых простых заданий, постепенно накапливаются знания, и вы переходите к новому уровню сложности, а, значит, и к следующему уровню владения языком.


  1. The letter (look for) everywhere.
  2. She (wash) the floor in our flat the whole morning.
  3. He (not/play) football from 6 till 7 last week.
  4. Tom (take) a photograph of me wnen I (not/look).
  5. When I (go) out into the garden, the sun (shine) and the birds (sing).
  6. You (see) my friends yesterday, when they (cross) the street?
  7. We (cook) the whole morning, so we weren’t ready for the party.
  8. Please, don’t make some much noise. Father (work) in the study.
  9. We (ski) the whole day yesterday.
  10. What you (do) at 7 o’cock tomorrow?
  11. I (read) a text the whole day yesterday.
  12. We couldn’t sleep last night because our neighbours (have) a party.
  13. I tried to explain everything to the teacher, but he just (not/understand) what I (talk) about.
  14. You (take) a bath, when I (phone) you?
  15. The text (translate) by the students the whole lesson yesterday.
  16. Just as I (get) to a creepy part of the detective, somebody (ring).
  17. I (not/drive) very fast when the accident (happen).
  18. When they (walk) in the park the day before yesterday, they (meet) Pete.
  19. At school I (dislike) chemistry because the teacher always (pick) me on.
  20. I (wonder) wheather you could lend some money.
  21. The children (look after) by a granny the whole holidays last summer.
  22. Fleming (study) influenza when he (discover) peniciline.
  23. As I (drive) to London I (listen) to music.
  24. The problem (discuss) at the meeting at 6 oclock yesterday.
  1. was being looked for
  2. was washing
  3. wasn’t playing
  4. took/wasn’t looking
  5. went/was shining/were singing
  6. did you see/ were crossing
  7. were cooking
  8. is working
  9. were skiing
  10. will you be doing
  11. was reading
  12. were having
  13. didn’t understand/was talking
  14. were you taking/phoned
  15. was being translated
  16. was getting/ rang
  17. wasn’t driving/happened
  18. they were walking/met
  19. disliked/was picking
  20. was wondering
  21. were being looked after
  22. was studying/ discovered
  23. was driving/ was listening
  24. was being discussed